Custodial interference is where a parent refuses to honor a parent time order. Parents not following a parent time order are at risk for custodial interference. If you do not have an order, there is no custodial interference. This article will help you understand what you need to do if the other parent is refusing to let you contact the child, or what you should do if the other parent wants contact. 1. What You Should Do If You Cannot See Your Children. This is a common problem. One parent moves out and the other has the children. The parent with the children is withholding parent time, and you are feeling powerless and are missing your children. These situations are a difficult one to bear. Unfortunately, calling the police will not help, and unless the children are in danger of immediate and irreparable harm, there's little you can do to change things immediately. Your best course of action if there's no danger is to immediately file with the court. File a petition for...